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Become Who You Are

Writer's picture: Melissa Z. WhiteMelissa Z. White

A quest for personal authenticity
Become Who You Are

Just be who you are. Be authentic. Show up in your own skin. Be yourself… It’s your superpower.

What does that even mean?? We hear these things all the time yet still find ourselves feeling stuck. The concept of authenticity sounds so simple, right? Then why do so many of us find it so hard to do?

Along the way, we have adopted false narratives about ourselves that halve rooted into our psyches to become our personal limiting beliefs. These are stories about ourselves that either have been told to us or that we have initiated ourselves, but either way, we have agreed to it and accepted it as part of our identity. These false narratives are rooted in deep emotion and unconsciously reinforced over time.

So, how do we break this cycle? How do we free ourselves from our limiting beliefs? The process of detethering yourself from your false narrative is a process that, similar to how it was created, takes time and repetition to dismantle. Here’s a few basic steps you can use to begin the process:

1. Become aware of your false narratives. You can’t begin to change what you aren’t aware exists. So, the next time you feel stuck, get curious, and explore why.

2. Be a skeptic and a truth seeker. Don’t always believe everything you hear… Even if it comes from yourself. You must learn to hear the input you receive (whether from yourself or others), but always filter it through the question “Is this true?” Explore the facts. Seek out proof. Ask yourself if your narrative is serving your higher good, or if it is holding you back. If you are having challenges believing in yourself, search yourself to find proof of times you have succeeded.

3. Take action. It's time to create and reinforce new neuropathways that will begin to replace those old beliefs that through repetition have become your standard operating process. Use the examples of the times you've succeeded as fuel to lean into confidence and take actions that promote your forward progress. Ask yourself, "What is one small step I can carry o

ut today that is in alignment and direction of who I want to be and the life I want to lead?" You don't have to remodel your whole life in a day. Small, consistent actions over time are the key to reprogramming your default settings, the key to detethering yourself from your false narratives, and the key to exchanging your limiting beliefs for unshakable confidence.

I appreciate that even with these basic steps, the process of changing your limiting beliefs and false narratives can be tricky. Sometimes the stories we tell ourselves are layered and more complex than we initially realize. Sometimes, we need a little help identifying exactly where to start and how to move forward from there. This is where a life coach experienced in this work can help guide you.

There is no shame in asking for directions when you think you might be a little lost. Better to ask for the directions and actually arrive at your desired destination rather than waste time wandering around aimlessly only to find out that, after much time has past, you are exactly in the same place you started, having gone no where.

This is a strong foundation of the work that I do with my clients. Regardless of what their personal or professional goals are, there is almost always a limiting belief that has been preventing them from achieving their desired outcome. Through my years of experience in working with individuals, I have a deep understanding of how to propel my clients beyond their blocks. And as we work together, not only do they overcome their blocks, but they begin to enjoy a level of self-confidence and overall life satisfaction like they’ve never experienced before.

Have you been feeling stuck and hesitant or are you experiencing self-doubt? If so, let's work together. I can give you the keys to unlock the doors that have been holding you back. You have limitless potential! It's time you believe it for yourself.

It’s time you become who you truly are, and all that you are meant to be.


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